What is the priority?

Hope you had a good week.

Just finished a nice weekend with my husband.

Let me ask you this:

What if you started your week with a clear list of priorities?

If you didn't feel overwhelmed, and you were clear on what really mattered...

Not just the urgent things, but the things you absolutely don't want to put off because they are that important

If you feel like you are drowning in a long long list of things to do, and need a simple plan for what to do next.


Because I'm hosting a free class to help!

Knowing what you can put off and what you can't is an essential asset for most people,

but especially if you are really busy, the kind of person with multiple creative goals, or a self directed business owner.

If you know me, I don't really fit into a "box" and always have multiple passions going on.

Businessowner. Nonprofit fundraising. Singer Songwriter. Writer. Human.

And in January 2024 I officially now own a 2nd business that serves thousands of people annually.


To adjust to recent changes, I've utilized tools to keep my priorities in order.

It's all about priorities because there's only so much time and energy.

I have methods I use to get clear on what to focus my energy on at what time, to juggle different goals.

I've developed these methods over the past 10+ years as a multi-passionate business owner and creator.

The truth is that I have always had to juggle a million ideas. So this isn't THAT new to me.

I'm making progress in so many areas and I want to help you make faster progress on your goals, too.

Especially if you are a multipassionate type,

or a soulful business owner and creator.

If you feel like you are drowning in a long long list of things to do, and need a simple plan for what to do next.

I'm hosting a FREE class next week to help you start off fall with a clear idea about your next steps.

I have a secret and it's not the traditional method of ordering your tasks, nope.

My way is just as much connected to my soul and heart as it is to my brain.

Join me next Tuesday, September 10th at 11 AM EST

The FREE 1 hour zoom class is called:

Find My Priorities

You'll leave the session with a

-a clear idea of what you need to do and in what order.

-a way to simply and systemize things for your book, business, or creative life

And I promise it's not your typical productivity stuff.

You'll leave feeling like your soul got to guide you in a way

+ your head can put your list into real action that doesn't feel overwhelming.

I'll send the zoom information out in an email later on, but be sure to add it to your calendar if you can come live.

There will be a replay for those who cannot join live.

I used to have trouble finding things,

and using my ideas.

Now I know where everything is and it has changed my life.

In the last few years I used this organization system to:

-published 25+ articles in 6 months.

-sell out multiple writing groups in my business.

-improve my health, financial, and personal joy.

Truly, being organized did so much more than just help me reach my potential professionally, it has been a huge book to my mental health.

Getting organized so you can find your ideas better

will help you make faster progress in all areas of your life,

including writing for a book or business.

Learn how to use the system I created using free applications in the upcoming program.

It’s 50% off until Thursday Sept 5 at 11:59 PM EST.

(Excuse the typo, some places say it is the 4th, but Thursday is the 5th actually.)

​Your earlybird discount is waiting for you. Join the 3-Month Fall Digital Organization Club.​

Thanks for reading!

Lots of love, courage & mermaid vibes,

Read my story...

Visit my website

Get writing with me:

* Activate your writing: Self-study 7 Layer Writing Activation E-Course
* Write to serve others:
6 Month Winter Writing Group in Nov

* Write to heal your story: 6 months Personal Mentorship

* Write to be your own best friend: Workshop Replay

P.S. If you don't want to hear about the Digital Organization Club this season click here to skip any reminders emails about it

Hi! I'm Sofia Wren

I help you write for your book or business as smoothly as a mermaid swims so you can reach more of the people that you are here to serve. I also share about my life and give you free links to all my articles on writing, personal development and traveling Japan. To get inspired, sign up for my weekly FunLetters!

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