
Hi! I'm Sofia Wren

Fun Nonfiction Writer & Writing Coach

I help you write for your book or business as smoothly as a mermaid swims so you can reach more of the people that you are here to serve. I also share about my life and give you free links to all my articles on writing, personal development and traveling Japan. To get inspired, sign up for my weekly FunLetters!

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Are you free Thursday at 2 PM EST?

Note! This is the last email about this event! Hope you are having a good day! What is your schedule like this week? This Thursday May 23 at 2 PM EST Why? There's an event happening-- If you need to update your website bio page, I hope you can make it or see the replay. It's the Bio Refresh Party! It happens only about once a year. $27.00 $7.00 Bio Refresh Party 2024 Like a stick of Big Red gum... If your website bio page is outdated and feeling funky, pop some inspiration in your face......

about 7 hours ago • 2 min read

How you doin' As promised, here's that special announcement: if you need to update your bio page or introduction, get this flash sale while it's hot! 🌶 Announcing the Bio Refresh Flash Sale! The Website Bio Refresh Party is a live class designed to take your website bio from funky to fresh. We break down the step-by-step process to update your bio so it's relevant, current, and spicy. I decided to do this because I acquired a second business and the bio page of that site needs a refresh....

4 days ago • 3 min read

How is it going? I have a special announcement coming tomorrow - What it's not... Just a reminder that I'm not doing a summer writing group this year, we will be bumping the next 6-month Writing Group to next winter. For fall, I'm planning a 6 week writing intensive for business owners, and for summer, a digital organization membership for writers and entrepreneurs will be coming... But I'm not announcing any of those tomorrow :D Tomorrow I'll be announcing SOMETHING DIFFERENT! It'll be a $7...

5 days ago • 1 min read

How goes it? It's been a while since I emailed. Last week I was silent-- I was combing through things in storage and was under a deadline. Do you have a mountain of things in storage? What about in your mind? What about on your todo list? Notebooks and documents spilling everywhere? When you face a mountain of things you need to deal with, what do you do? I tend to get overwhelmed easily and go into fight or flight. It's times like those where I need to breathe, maybe take a break or a walk....

13 days ago • 3 min read

How are you doing? Is there anything you are celebrating? Let me say first-- I’m riding high because my second business, which I acquired in January, has celebrated a big milestone. Background: My grandfather started a business 50 years ago, a magazine about banjos, it passed to my dad and now it's mine. After a LOT of work behind the scenes, I finally was able to announce that the business is open (and not closing, which almost happened). A lot of people are celebrating and supporting. So...

26 days ago • 8 min read

I have some news. I hope you are doing okay, as I mentioned last week, my husband had a cold and I was not far behind. I ended up getting sick, and I am almost better. Today, I'd planned to continue sharing, in my latest vein on the topic of writing and digital organization of your words and how life changing it can be. But something got in the way of writing: And it wasn't my physical symptoms that kept me from writing this as planned. It was an ailment of the heart that has afflicted me for...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Hope you are in good health. My husband has been ill and so far so good– I have not caught the worst of it but my brain does feel a little foggy today so we will see… This weekly FunLetter will be a little different from my previous weeks which were SUPER juicy & about writing and getting organized: -10x your healing, writing this way: the encyclopedia of me -morning and writing routines -the wrong question to ask about forgetting good ideas Click the titles above to revisit those emails if...

about 1 month ago • 5 min read

Since I was college-aged I have been thinking about how to improve my life. At 21, I got my first therapist. I read self-help books and did ALL the exercises. But it wasn’t enough!! I felt some incremental change, of course, but knew there was so much further to go in my healing. Writing became a part of that journey: at 22 I decided to take on Julia Cameron’s challenge to write daily morning pages. Weeks later, I paged through my journal and was completely surprised by the thoughts and...

about 2 months ago • 6 min read

How are you doing? A few weeks ago, I got really burned out, and have been consciously restoring myself since. One of the things I keep coming back to is my morning routine, it's always a good place to start when I'm feeling off. And lately it's even begun to inspire me to write other times of the day as well. As a result, I'm starting to feel like my old self again! Plus I've had some big aha moments... Morning Routines Here's the morning routine that has helped me bounce back from burnout...

about 2 months ago • 7 min read

A while ago, after I picked up an old notebook from 3 years before, and what I read was gold, ideas I'd written and forgotten and now was just remembering all over again... I HAD SUCH A GOOD IDEA, why did I do nothing with it? Seeing this gold I'd forgotten so completely, I had to wonder: Why do I forget my good ideas? Am I hiding things from myself? Is this self sabotage? Will I ever straighten out my brain? (Why can't it work in ABC order instead of FMQ?) Possible answers: It's trauma. It's...

2 months ago • 4 min read
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