
Hi! I'm Sofia Wren

Inspiration to Change the World

Published about 2 months ago • 6 min read

How are you feeling today?

I have a big update!!

Me now: TIRED (this is a very non anal email, take it as permission to let some typos go so you can write better yes yes!!)

But I'm also content. I got to sit on my balcony and read for a minute yesterday without wearing a coat.



We completed our fundraiser pay Aminata's college fees in Sierra Leone.

And she sent me a note to share with you to say thank you!

Things slowed down at the end of the fundraiser.

I suddenly crashed around the weekend energy wise (2024 has been a lot and this fundraiser was worth it but also a lot of energy to spearhead!)

In that tired headspace, calculating all the 18 contributions and figuring out the exchange, was kindof hard.

So I leaned back a little bit to rest.

I just got the final donation in person yesterday and after adding it up, it turns out after figuring the current exchange rates...

We actually raised a little more than needed! Over $600.

We will be giving it all to Aminata because everything helps and now she has it for another education fee, travel cost, or a few dollars for next year.

So there you go:

18 beautiful souls helped a young woman who lost her final parent in Sierra Leone go to college to continue her pharmacy program.

She has her route out of poverty and heavy labor secured.

Her Note of Thanks

Blessed Day everyone
My name is Aminata Omaria Kargbo
My heart and mouth is full of gratitude for what you have done for me. You don't know me but yet still you gave me a chance to continue chasing after my dream. You gave me an opportunity to achieve the one plan my mother had for me and for that I am grateful. May God Almighty continue to richly bless and establish you on the path that you are on, may His light never depart from you and your family in Jesus name🙏🙏🙌🙌.
Thank you for giving hope when it's needed 🙏
God bless you 🙌🙌

YAYYYYY Thank you everyone


Please remember that no matter how tough the world is, it is possible to make a difference.

It doesn't have to look like me and the way I do it, but we are all needed.

Just find where you are needed and sparkle light there, okay?

And if you need some help figuring out your corner to shine sparkles, don't forget I have a free training to help you do that,

read on below!

Wishing you a good week.



I'm not holding anything back!

I'm letting myself be "too much" and put "too much" in here because I can and because it delights me :D

In this FunLetter:

  • A Class to Change the World
  • Article to Fit Writing In
  • A musical update
  • a podcast on deletion (again!)
  • A waitlist

Change the World:

Watch this 20 minute* class to Tap into the Leader You are Here to Be:

🌈 How to connect to the change you are here to make in the world

🌈 How to impact the world using your story, your talent & your writing for your book or business.

🌈 How to clarify your writing goals so they leave room for all of life but also stretch you to step into your true potential.

🌈 How to BE more of the leader you are here to be.

Watch the Free Class Here

Or you can also rewind to watch the video from the beginning for a 30 minute class,

to hear about my up and down journey helping my nonprofit in Sierra Leone (who connected us with Aminata), because changing the world can be HARD.

How did I keep going? This shares how.

You'll hear more thoughts and lessons I've learned about service, leadership and making an impact from that.

If you are longing to connect to your place in things and the impact you are here to make give it all a watch <3


Too busy to write?

When your life gets busy, squeezing in time for writing can seem like a daunting task.

Balancing work, family, and other responsibilities often leaves little room for creative pursuits.


Here's my advice on what to do so you can write for yourself, your book, or your life.

Read my short article for how to fit writing in on page 32 of On Purpose Woman Magazine!

This magazine is free & full of great stuff to read xo

Read my latest article "How to Fit Writing into a Busy Life"

P.S. I include making trackers for writing or other goals in my upcoming Digital Organization Membership, see more on that below.

Musical Update:

I am adding new things to Patreon!! Like this:

The Story behind the song “New Dawn”

During my first day in the studio, my producer heard my song, which I originally named Tides, and offered another way for me to arrange my song. He said I should change the name to New Dawn.

That version kindof has a slow beachy vibe, a friend said it sounds like Sheryl Crow.

Many people really liked this version and encouraged me to stick with it, even my dad. On listening, I personally felt strongly that it didn’t match up with my vision for the song and knew I could sing it better with some adjustments....

But what do you think, do you like it?

Listen here and explore the other music & private writing up on Patreon now.

New Podcast: Conscious Deletion

Did you hear this? In case you didn't, I'm including it again because it's a BANGER.


Feel less weighed down and more potent and powerful as a writer or creator!

Listen to Andrea Hylen and I talk about the conscious deletion.

Instead of being bogged down by the past, you can reabsorb your power so you have energy for the next chapter.

Different places to listen:

Or watch and listen on Youtube:

Click here to watch the "Deletion" podcast on Youtube!

Digital Organization Membership Coming Soon

Do you feel like you have potential that's not being expressed?

Everyone talks about being consistent or motivated to write or achieve goals...

but what if you just need to be more organized so WHEN you are motivated, you can find things and get them done

bam bam boom...

Cuz how many times did you have an hour that was totally wasted since you couldn't find anything or

didn't really remember where you were in your project and basically scratched your head for 60 mins...

A recipe for frustration, procrastination, and not wanting to deal with this!!!

If you are hitting that block where you know you have a million ideas lost in a notebook on a shelf

if you are losing track of where your files are

if you have so many ideas it's easy to lose track of what you were doing and what's next


If you want to pop in, pop out of your projects, your book, your biz writing,

and actually get things done in the small amount of time you have to dedicate to them

If you want more peace of mind, and confidence that you are DOING IT

even when you aren't actually doing it every second (juggle a kid, a job, another thing, etc.)

but you have a handle on your projects, and priorities, and where all your ideas are.

You feel something new, something magical:

you feel TRUST in yourself it's happening


(God does it feel good in this crazy world to have something under control a tiny bit omg.)

And then when you actually get something finished at last?

The relief. The high...

Getting stuff done successfully fuels motivation!

Then you'll actually feel positive next time

and confident that when you next sit down to work, you'll plow through another thing.

So you can take a niiiiiiice easy breathe.

Phew. Phew!!

OMG the peace of doing a thing you've been wanting to get done for ages, am I right?

Something is coming soon to help you:

-Clean up your business, project or writing files so you feel less overwhelmed and can focus on whats next

-Always know what to do next step by step so you finish your projects, reach your goals and fulfill your intentions

-Stop forgeting important details about your projects and next steps because you set the time aside to store them in one easy to find place.

WHOOOOOO! Are you as excited as I am?


Join the waitlist to get news about the 50% off early bird special AKA:

===> $30 total for 3 months of membership

only available for the first week it opens...

Click here to join the Digital Organization waitlist.

Lots of love, courage & mermaid vibes,

Read my story...

Visit my website

Get writing with me:

* Activate your writing: Self-study 7 Layer Writing Activation E-Course
* Write to serve others:
6 Month Winter Writing Group in Nov

* Write to heal your story: 6 months Personal Mentorship

* Write to be your own best friend: Workshop Replay


OMG this email is a delight,

maybe I should lower my expectations of myself more often lol.

Hi! I'm Sofia Wren

Fun Nonfiction Writer & Writing Coach

I help you write for your book or business as smoothly as a mermaid swims so you can reach more of the people that you are here to serve. I also share about my life and give you free links to all my articles on writing, personal development and traveling Japan. To get inspired, sign up for my weekly FunLetters!

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