
Hi! I'm Sofia Wren

Anyone else feeling overwhelmed?

Published 5 months ago • 3 min read

How you doin'? I've been doing some things...

  • As of today, I have quit instagram.

Insta has been really stressing me out. I'm glad you are here so I can keep in touch via email.

I'm sad to lose the connections of IG, but relieved for my own sanity. I have enough acts in my circus.

  • Last week, I was interviewed by one of my FAVORITE people, Andrea Hylen.

We talked about how I started writing, the process of deciding what to share vs keep private,

getting feedback on stories + why private spaces to write first are so freaking essential!!!

Watch here. Listen here (podbean) or here (spotify).

  • And hey, has anyone else been feeling overwhelmed?

That's a trick question, because OBVIOUSLY YES, you are.

Oh my god, the world we live in is so insane, distracting and complex.

I made a video for ya about being overwhelmed & being multi-passionate and wanting to write.

And even got a little silly with it,

but for real, being overwhelmed is a killer.

More often than not, bring overwhelmed means you won't write at all.

Overwhelm means something gets cut,

usually something you really want to do.

Ugh, I am so sorry.

No, really it sucks.

AND almost any time I hear people talk about overwhelm, they blame you,

YOU, the person feeling overwhelmed,

as the source of the problem.

You aren't to blame if you are overwhelmed.

Things are overwhelming.

You only control a segment of the things.

But still I want to help!!

My class on Thursday is going to dig into the overwhelm you probably feel around juggling all the projects you have

-- not just writing, not just your writing, but different parts of your life, also.

And we are going to get into everything on your plate,

where it sits, what's going on, what's important and how to juggle it.

We are going to figure it out.

Enough so that when you think about the million things going on in your world,

you go from this:

TO THIS!!!!!

Ah that's better!

And everyone knows that when you feel like a magical kitty-lion,

grounded, self possessed of your amazing LION-ness,

present in meeting yourself where you are

-- with no distraction other than your tiny bird friend

because everything is organized and on paper so you focus...

you get a lot more writing done.

Pretty much all kinds of stuff gets done,

and us kitty lions have more fun, don't you know.

No, but really....

I explain more about overwhelm,

trying to fit writing in, and

what's going on in my upcoming class in this video.

So watch it if you feel overwhelmed.

For once I didn't ramble and kept it to a few minutes.

It's only 7 minutes long!!

I even put a blooper at the end.

It made me laugh.

Hope you like xo

video preview

This month I'm doing 3 things:

  1. On Thurs, December 14:
    Writing Class 1: Foundations for the 6 Month Winter Writing Group, Paths of Service. Know your next step even if you have many projects spinning right now.
  2. On Mon, December 18:
    The next FREE 21 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge starts! The theme is reinvention.
  3. Ongoing:
    One spot open in the Deep Coaching 1-1 package. Write about your personal story or life experience, and decide how to share and write about it.

21 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge starts December 18

-Create a daily writing habit ​
-Unlock inspiration to write for your personal stories, book or business ​
-Feel the LOVE of the friends, followers or clients you attract

Sign up for all the free 21 day writing challenge announcements + resources here.

There's a free digital tracker to help you build a daily habit + a free facebook community,

with prompts and inspiration from me to help you know what to write to connect to your heart.

Have a cool day

Lots of love, courage & mermaid vibes,

Read my story...

Visit my website

Get writing with me:

* Activate your writing: Self-study 7 Layer Writing Activation E-Course
* Write to serve others:
6 Month Winter Writing Group in Nov

* Write to heal your story: 6 months Personal Mentorship

* Write to be your own best friend: Workshop Replay

P.S. I'm still thinking about that lion kitty joke. I hope you know I crack myself up.

Hi! I'm Sofia Wren

Fun Nonfiction Writer & Writing Coach

I help you write for your book or business as smoothly as a mermaid swims so you can reach more of the people that you are here to serve. I also share about my life and give you free links to all my articles on writing, personal development and traveling Japan. To get inspired, sign up for my weekly FunLetters!

Read more from Hi! I'm Sofia Wren

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